School Rules :
School Policy
1. The school follows a policy of inculcating values of discipline, good behaviour and compassion in its students over and above the curriculum.
2. The school wants to help parents stay informed about their ward’s education. Updates are sent to parents on their registered mobile number provided by them.
3. If parents wish to meet the teacher, they may do so after seeking permission from the concerned teacher through an almanac note.
4. Third language, activities and hobbies once taken, cannot be changed during the academic year.
5. Students leaving school will receive report cards on the Open House day only.
6. Both parents should be present at open house meetings held during the year.
7. Results may be withheld due to non payment of fees.
8. The Bonafide certificate will be issued only two days after the submission of the application for the same.
It is extremely important that the students adhere to the code of conduct laid down by the school. On failing to do so, they will be dealt with severely without exemption.
Code of Conduct
1. Students should be clean and neatly dressed in full uniform everyday and for all school functions.
2. They should take pride in wearing the school uniform.
3. Each student should carry the almanac to school with his photograph and complete details.
4. They should rise and greet any teacher or visitor who comes to their class. They should greet and show respect to their teachers, administrative staff, Principal, Director and fellow students whenever and wherever they meet them.
5. Students should be polite wherever they go and treat their elders with respect. They should always remember that their conduct reflects on the school image.
6. Students must attend all teaching/games/activity periods.
7. Students should change classrooms when required, in silence. Running in the corridors is prohibited.
8. Students can move in the corridors only when wearing class out passes around their neck.
9. The school building and property must be respected. Any breakages must be reported at once to the class teacher / Principal.
10. Students should respect the property of others.
11.School will not be responsible for goods lost.
12. Casual dress and distribution of gifts is only allowed on birthdays till class 5. No Casual dress is allowed for the students of class 6 onwards.
13. Students must carry only the required number of books as per the time table.
14. Students are required to speak only in English in the school premises and in the school bus.
Discipline Policy :
1. Students who come to school by private transport should report on time failing which they will be sent back home.
2. Bullying and use of foul language are punishable offences.
3. No student shall indulge in any of the following practices :
(a). spitting in or near the school building, whistling or shouting
(b). Disfiguring or damaging school property
(c). Rowdyism or rude behaviour
(d). Use of violence in any form
(e). Casteism, communalism or practice of untouchability.
4. Once the student has come to school, parents should refrain from taking them home on half day leave. Parents will personally come to pick up their wards in the case of an emergency.
5. The observance of rules of discipline of the school and good behaviour is an essential condition for a student’s continuance in the school. In case a student violates the school rules, indulges in any form of indiscipline, strict actions like expulsion, suspension/rustication shall be taken against the student.
6. The school reserves the right to suspend or take strict disciplinary action against a student whose diligence or progress is constantly unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
7. No valuable articles (Expensive watches, fountain pens, mobiles, i-pods, i-Pads etc), books other than those required by the school, magazines or money may not be brought to school without the Principal’s permission.
8. If any of these prohibited items are confiscated they will be returned to the parents only at the end of the academic year.
9. Students should not carry any cash or valuable items with them to school.
1. Check your ward’s almanac daily. Do sign the remarks if any, and take necessary action.
2. It is always advisable to write to the school about the problems of your ward for seeking guidance. Your letters will be replied to after discussion with the concerned teachers.
3. See that your ward carries books/exercise books according to the Time Table for that day. No extra books are allowed.
4. Children should not bring crackers, colours, etc. to the school.
5. Children should not distribute gifts as a part of birthday celebrations. Distribution of sweets is restricted to
toffees. No birthday treats are allowed in the school.
6.Your ward should be instructed to be careful about his/her things. There should be a name tag on blazers, sweaters, school caps and water bottles. Expensive articles like mobiles, electronic gadget, calculator etc. should not be brought to school. They are also not allowed to wear jewellery to school. In case of violation of this rule the article will be
confiscated. The school bears no responsibility for articles lost in school.
7. If your ward is absent from school he must make up for all the work missed by him.
8. Plan further education of your wards beyond the school well in advance, so that they are eligible to compete for admission to the maximum number of institutions of higher education.
9. In case of change of phone number / e-mail id, please intimate the school so that SMS / mails related to fee reminders or other urgent communications can be sent.
10. It is mandatory for parents to come to school twice a year according to the dates given, to discuss the over-all performance and progress of their child.
11. Please Read the Almanac Carefully.
The school would like parents to maintain a close rapport with the teachers teaching their children in school. Parents are advised to meet Principal, with prior appointment as per the schedule given below :
Principal 09:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Parents are not permitted to go to the classrooms to meet teachers during regular teaching periods.
• The school gate will close at 8:00 a.m. in summers and 8:30 a.m. in winters.
• All late arrivals will be sent back home.
• Parents are requested not to drop their wards to the school late.
1. Students who have been sick should bring a medical certificate from their doctor on joining school.
2. Parents should fill up the “Record for Non-Attendance” for each day the student is absent from school stating the reasons for absence.
3. Any student who has been absent even for single day day will not be admitted to the class without a letter from the
parent, addressed to the class teacher, stating the reason for the absence.
4. Leave for going out of station should be approved prior to proceeding on leave. In case of emergency, parents are informed that they have to report to the Principal. They are not supposed to go to the classes directly.
5. A student returning to school after suffering from a contagious disease should produce a doctor’s certificate permitting him to do so. Students suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to school.
(a). Chicken pox-Till all scabs fall off.
(b).Cholera-Till the child is completely well.
(c). Measles-Two weeks after the rash disappears.
(d). Mumps-Until the swelling has gone; about one month.
(e). Whooping Cough-Six weeks.
(f). Jaundice-Six weeks after recovery.
(g). Swine Flu-Till the time the Doctor specifies.
6. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than three months renders the student is liable to have his name struck off the rolls. His caution money deposit will be forfeited.
7. It is compulsory for students till VIII std. to maintain 80% attendance during the course of the academic session, to enable them to appear for the final examination. In classes IX-X, students must have an average of 90% attendance before the examination.
8. A certificate of merit will be given to students with 100% attendance.
9. The percentage, however, could be relaxed on medical grounds, but such students will not be eligible to receive any prizes.
1. In case of withdrawal during midterm, the tuition fees and transport charges for that particular quarter will not to be refunded.
2. In case of long leave, full payment of tuition charges is to be made in advance to the school. In case of any other dues pending, the caution money will be refunded only after clearing these dues
3. Ifcaution money is not claimed within one year after the child leaves the school, the amount may be treated as donation to the school and any right over the refund of this amount standsrelinquished.
4. Transfer certificate is not issued until all dues of the school are settled.
5. Students can be asked to leave the school on the following grounds:
(b). Unsatisfactory progress in work
(c).Attendance below 70%
6. A student who fails twice will not be permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.
7. Transfer Certificate will be issued only three days after the submission of the filled up withdrawal form.
Students can avail of the School Transport subject to the availability of seats. The routes of the school buses are drawn and the parents should consult the school transport in-charge for necessary details. Bus facility is not mandatory.
1. Introduction of new pick up point will be effective from new session only.
2. Applications to discontinue transport facility should be submitted to transport department one month in advance.
3. Any complaints regarding drivers and conductors for their misbehavior should be brought to the notice of transport department / Principal.
4. All students using the school transport are expected to be on the left side of the bus stop at least five minutes before the arrival time of the bus.
5. The buses will not wait for late comers.
6. Children should stay away from the main road until the bus arrives.
7. No student should come near the entry door of the bus unless it has made a complete stop.
8. All students must occupy vacant seats immediately after boarding their buses.
9. The drivers are authorised to stop buses at the designated stops only, (Students are not allowed to utilise two separate bus route i.e. pick up and dropping points at different areas.) No diversion / extension will be entertained on existing routes.
10. When the bus is in motion students must not move around in the bus and no part of their body should be outside the bus.
11. Objects of any kind must not be discarded inside or thrown out of the bus.
12. Students will be held responsible for any damage to bus caused by vandalism. Students will be fined if their bus is found damaged.
13.Unruly behaviour like shrieking and shouting is strictly prohibited. Courteous behaviour is expected at all times.
14.The driver’s attention must not be distracted for any reason.
15. The bus teachers, students and bus monitors are responsible for maintaining discipline in the buses. Any serious
offence must be reported to the Principal.
16. Students should travel only by the buses allotted to them by the Transport Office. Students are not permitted to use self driven two wheelers and cars to come to school. If they do, the keys of the vehicle will be confiscated and will be handed over only to the parents.
17. The parents/guardians are responsible to drop/collect the ward at the specified bus stop fixed by the school at the given time, failing which, the ward would have to be dropped at and picked-up from the school by theparents/guardians.
18. No parent/driver is permitted to chase/intercept/overtake the school bus to make a forcible boarding.
19. The bus route once allotted by the school will not be changed before or less than three months.
20.Permission will not be granted to change the bus route for a short period.
21. Transport once provided cannot be discontinued during the academic session. In case of discontinuation of the transport facility, no transport would be provided during the next session.
22. In case a student misses the bus while going home his parents will have to come and pick him up.